Darren Dahl

Dean, UBC Sauder School of Business
Innovate BC Professor 

The Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia is proud to partner with the Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University to offer the UBC International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) program. 

Since this academic partnership was established 20 years ago, hundreds of students have graduated from the UBC IMBA program with practical management skills and strategic tools that have propelled them in their international careers. 

Through our boutique class sizes and globally focused curriculum – taught by UBC Sauder’s award-winning professors – the academic experience we offer is unmatched by other professional business programs in China. From the very first day, you will be challenged to apply the latest theoretical and applied knowledge to real-life business challenges. 

As a UBC IMBA student, your voice counts. The unique skills and perspectives you bring to the classroom support an exciting learning journey. Your contributions also fuel our strength as a global leader in business education and research. 

When you graduate from the UBC IMBA program, you become part of a supportive network of more than 49,000 UBC Sauder alumni who span the world. This ever-growing professional network offers a place to ask career questions, as well as a launchpad for new friendships and connections. 

On behalf of my colleagues at UBC Sauder and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I encourage you to join the UBC IMBA community. Join our group of business professionals who are harnessing their professional skills and their creativity to drive positive change and create a better future for the world and its citizens. 



中国经济近年来持续的高速增长无疑得益于全球经济一体化,同时也是推动全球经济一体化的核心引擎。中国的发展和全球经济的整合急需大批国际视野、深谙现代管理理论和最佳管理实践经验的管理人才。基于这样的需求,上海交通大学(SJTU)和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)两家顶级学府强强联手,在2001年联合创办了SJTU-UBC IMBA项目。

上海交大和UBC有二十多年在教学和科研等方面密切合作的成功经验,SJTU-UBC IMBA项目的创办也走过了十多年的历程。项目自创办以来培养了几百名优秀的工商管理人才,作为一个国际高端MBA项目的品牌,在市场上有较强的影响力。

对于加入SJTU-UBC IMBA项目的中国学员来说,不出国留学就可以接受国际一流的商学院教育;而对于加入SJTU-UBC IMBA项目的国际学生来说,则可以在学习期间亲身体会到中国经济强劲跳动的脉搏。在项目独特的整合课程中学员们可以领略多个顶尖教授同台授课的精妙,在模块教学中有机会与一个个明星教授充分互动,还可以分享同学们带来的不同行业的管理经验。这个项目将会为您的职业生涯提供足够的能量和自信,让您自由驰骋于未来的职场上!

在此,我谨代表我的合作伙伴UBC尚德商学院院长热诚欢迎每一个有意进入商学院深造的年轻人,更深入了解SJTU-UBC IMBA项目,并选择加入此项目。